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Film Reviews


Review: It Comes at Night

If you don't know much about IT COMES AT NIGHT, good. Keep it that way. Watch the film. The less you know, the better it is, because it's all about the unknown. I will tell you a bit about the plot just to tease you into watching: in a forest in the middle of nowhere, a family has lodged themselves inside their home to avoid a sickness that has struck the outside world. Paul (Joel Edgerton) has built a very structured living situation for his wife, Sarah (Carmen Ejogo) and son, Travis (Kelvin Harrison, Jr.). They board all the windows and doors, only go outside in pairs, and always wear gloves and gas masks when they are outside. They have to do this to remain safe, and keep the sickness out of their home. Then they discover another family living out in the forest, and decide to let them in.

And that's all you get... because to truly appreciate this psychological thriller, you only need to know as much as the characters know. In fact, the film will leave you with a lot of questions -- but that is what makes it such a thought-provoking, upsetting film. It's a story that guarantees to spark conversation, after you process the dark, vividly honest nature of what you just watched.

Every frame of the film beautifully crafts the experience of Travis, who serves as our eyes throughout the majority of the film. It's really one big character sketch, as the family tries to make a life for themselves and bond with each other. 

From the writing to the acting to the decisions behind each shot, IT COMES AT NIGHT will move you. Now playing at Midtown Cinema! Don't miss this film!

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